Meetings Begin in Waynesboro
Attempts were made as early as 1855 to hold services in Waynesboro. A group met in a school house at that time, and in the Town Hall. In 1908, however, following several weeks of evangelistic services in a rented room, First Brethren in Waynesboro was officially organized on March 15. The Sunday School was organized one week later. The first collection for the benefit of the Sunday School amounted to $1.86! The first pastor was called in early 1909, and by April the current site of the church was purchased for $818. The cost of that building lot was paid in full on December 31, 1911. Ground breaking was held the following August, and the first church building was dedicated on June 15, 1913 at the grand cost of $4,396 for construction. One history of the church says "the building contract and weekly needs of the church were met with sacrificial giving.”